I am officially a sophomore in college. Wow.
Let me say that again-I am officially a sophomore in college!
That is so crazy! I knew this would be a crazy year, full of new friends, hard classes, and crazy experiences, but I had no idea how incredible it would be. First semester was insane. I had no idea what to expect, and I was swept up in all the countless opportunities to get involved. I pledged Kappa Alpha Theta, and that was by far one of the most amazing experiences ever. I have been so incredibly blessed by all of my sisters. Through Theta, I have met some of the greatest girls ever, and I know I will be lifelong friends with a lot of them. Saying goodbye to several of them today was so hard. We are all doing such different things and will be separated for the summer, but I'm so excited to write letters with them while I'm away at camp. Luckily, a lot of my friends are working at Kanakuk, so at least some of us will be together.
I still can't believe that freshman year is already over. God has blessed me in so many ways, and I'm so excited for the next several years. It has definitely been a year of ups and downs-oh boy how true that is. I definitely didn't expect to have a lot of the things happen that did happen, but I don't regret it. (And just to clear things up, in case you're wondering what I mean by regrets-I did not get drunk or even drink a sip of alcohol, which I am very proud of)
Tomorrow morning, my brother is graduating from OU with a degree in HES-Health and Exercise Science. I am so proud of all that he's done! He has worked so hard this year, and I'm so excited for him.
Hopefully I'll update a little more this next week. :)
6 years ago
Amy, you are just wonderful! Please please please send me your address so I can write you loads of letters.